| User Testimony |
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! for your EzVoice software. I had been using a voicemail software program xxx..., but after I upgraded the OS a few weeks ago, the voice
mail software stopped working. After 30 hours of fruitless troubleshooting, I began a 2-week long search for alternative software ranging from
shareware to expensive call center software costing hundreds of dollars, none of which worked satisfactorily. Then, on a whim, I decided to search again (through Google) and found your website. I installed the software, recorded my greeting, and tested it in less than 5 minutes and it works GREAT! I will definitely recommend your product to all my coworkers.
Sue (USA) |
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Hi, I'm a EzVoice user, from ARGENTINA. Very useful tool. Good point: It needs few resources (PC). The caller ID is great. Thanks and congratulations!
Juan (Argentina) |